The rules are based upon common sense. These are easy to judge and creates speed as the scoring factor, not power.
- Official Swords are 90cm in length.
- Swords are foam covered and have an element of safety incorporated.
- Head guards with clear visors are required.
- Rounds are start / stop. When a point is scored, opponents return to their start positions.
- Rounds are not timed, but first one to 12 points.
- If both opponents are not attempting to strike and the scores are even, the match is a draw.
- If both opponents are not attempting to strike and the scores are not even, the judge may invoke a time limit to the match to speed up a result.
- Excessive force is discouraged and maybe penalised at the discretion of the judge.
- There are no age groups, but size is the key factor. Up to 1.2m, up to 1.45m, up to 1.70m, over 1.71m are the official categories.
- Points are: Head guard – 1 point, Legs (hips downwards) – 2 points, Body Torso (not arms or shoulders) – 3 points.
- Competition Area is 5m x 5m, to encourage action. Going outside the area is a deduction of 1 point.
However, when in your club, it can be modified to suit. Competitions will adhere to these rules